Use:UtilityScan is built for the utility locating professional to accelerate workflow from target detection to reporting.
Locating and marking underground utilities in real-time in the field has been a powerful application of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for many years. A knowledgeable utility locator with a GPR system as part of their tool box is able to accurately identify buried utilities. UtilityScan is built for the utility locating professional to accelerate workflow from target detection to reporting.
Real-time Target Mapping
• Easily pair with your external Bluetooth-enabled GPS, system includes built-in GPS pole adapter
• Map Mode allows you to trace your steps and gain a bird’s-eye view of your survey
• Place APWA color-coded marks on your 2D data and geo-referenced map simultaneously
Advanced Capabilities
• Collect and create 3D scans
• Optional LineTrac® power detection module to identify and trace precise location of underground and RF-induced utilities
Rugged, Flexible System
• Rated IP65 - Durable components tested to withstand the toughest conditions
• Compact and portable - weighs just 15.4 kg (34 lbs)
• Optional three- or four-wheel survey carts for challenging survey conditions
Rugged System for Construction Environments
UtilityScan is rated IP65 and built to meet your job site needs. It can withstand the most challenging survey environments including rain, dust, and extreme cold down to -20°C (-4°F). The Panasonic G2 tablet screen is designed for rain and glove use. For areas where Wi-Fi is prohibited, this system includes a rugged Ethernet cable that can be used for communication between the tablet and antenna.
Integrated Advanced Sensor
UtilityScan can be configured with an optional LineTrac® power detection module. LineTrac is designed to identify and trace the precise location of underground electric and RF-induced utilities. This allows the detected power or induced frequencies data to be overlaid on the radar data, providing reliable positioning and target information to the user. These technologies are integrated into one seamless system to aid in target recognition and mapping, a first for the utility detection industry.
Map Mode allows users to trace their steps and gain a bird’s-eye view of their survey. Users can also simultaneously place American Public Water Association (APWA) color-coded marks on 2D data and a geo-referenced map. The on-screen 3D data collection mode allows users to easily define the time slice depth and thickness in the field with the 3D data on the screen. The map window can be minimized to view the 3D display full screen.