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    EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Rock & Soil Testing Laboratory Soil Testing Geotechnical Centrifugal Testing Centrifuge GB GT2 Beam centrifuges
    BBS|Hot Topic
    GB GT2 Beam centrifuges

    Model:GB GT2

    Use:Broadbent G-Max beam centrifuges are installed in research facilities around the world


    Broadbent G-Max beam centrifuges are installed in research facilities around the world. Our well-proven and highly respected beam centrifuge range is available in six sizes, from the GT2/0.5 to the large GT150/3.0.
    Designed in conjunction with Sheffield University’s Centre for Energy, Infrastructure and Ground Research (CEIGR), the GT2 model is used primarily for undergraduate teaching and as a small-scale research tool.
    The GT150/3.0 is a large-scale centrifuge capable of generating 200G on a 750kg payload. These units are typically located in a dedicated university laboratory or government research facility.

    Project Case
    Beam centrifuges, BROADbent