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EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing In-situ Testing Rock Mechanics Testing Pressuremeter Test Geobox Central Unit
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Geobox Central Unit

Model:Apageo - Geobox Central Unit

Use:GeoBOX® is the central unit for monitoring and data acquisition of all your geotechnical works: piloting tests, displaying real time information on soil and recording data.


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GeoBOX® is the central unit for monitoring and data acquisition of all your geotechnical works: piloting tests, displaying real time information on soil and recording data. Wireless, GeoBOX® is connected by WIFI with the different geotechnical equipments. Thus, you can manage several works with a single interface, according to your soil investigation needs.


APPLICATIONS ´ Pressuremeter data acquisition with GeoSPAD®2 (working with Ménard Pressuremeter) ´ Pressuremeter test (test piloting and acquisition) with GeoPAC® (Auto-Controlled Pressuremeter) and HyperPAC® for High Pressure ´ Drilling data acquisition with ExploFOR®3 ´ ApaDYN® , data acquisition for constant energy heavy weight dynamic cone Penetrometer ´ Permeability test with the LugeoTEST® ´ Shearing test with the Phicometer Delivered in a hardy case + VAC adaptor + thermal printer and accessories GPRS IN OPTION, INTEGRATED MODEM ALLOWING DATA TRANSFER FROM FIELD TO THE OFFICE Recordings can be directly edited on GeoBOX®’s portable printer

Project Case
  • 2022-01-17